Approve Parks & Rec Master Plan - YES
After more than a year of hard work and thorough community outreach, I was thrilled to vote in favor of approving the Parks and...
Allow & Regulate Short Term Rentals - YES
I’m proud to have voted in favor of a new ordinance allowing short-term rentals (STR) in Corte Madera. While we've long had STRs (think...
Award $425,000 Contract for Landscaping Maintenance - YES
I voted to renew our contract with Flores Builders for public landscape maintenance throughout Corte Madera. Flores has done a wonderful...
Sign 2-Year Housing Services Agreement with Home Match Marin for $40,000
I voted to enter into a two-year agreement with Home Match, a non-profit home-sharing program that matches those searching for more...
Adopt Reusable Foodware Ordinance - YES
Last year, we were approached by the County with an ask: they had just passed a reusable foodware ordinance that made great strides...
Accept Completion of Redwood Highway Sewer Repairs - YES
In February of 2023, W.R. Forde Associates completed a sewer rehabilitation project that replaced deficient sewer mains and lower...
Accept Nonprofit Funding for Skate Park Renovation - YES
The Scotty Lapp Foundation is a nonprofit that makes snowboarding, skiing, and skating more accessible to underprivileged youth, in honor...
Pursue Priority Housing Site Status for Two Properties in Town - YES
The Priority Sites Program, launched by the regional planning agency (ABAG/MTC) in 2023, identifies local areas for affordable housing...
Repeal Redundant Ordinance on Recycling - YES
In 1977, the Town Council passed an ordinance that stated that every beverage container sold through a vendor must have a minimum refund...
Accept Annual Report from Sales Tax Oversight Committee - YES
I voted yes on approving the Sales Tax Citizens Oversight Committee’s latest annual report, which provides transparency and...