Place Proposal to Renew Paramedic Tax on 2022 Ballot - YES
For decades, Corte Madera has funded and provided our own paramedic service through our fire department, thanks to the passage of a paramedic tax in 1998. That tax funds local paramedics and ambulances, and sharply reduced response times for emergency medical service in Corte Madera. But the tax needs to be renewed by voters every 4 years, and that time is once again upon us.
I voted to place a renewal of the paramedic tax on the ballot, to let voters renew this important parcel tax that funds one of our most important emergency services.
When the tax was overwhelmingly renewed in 2018, it was a flat $75/year parcel tax for every residential property (with a slightly different formula for commercial properties). This year, to keep up with increased cost of providing paramedic services due to inflation, we are proposing the tax be renewed at $78/year per parcel, and set to increase by $3 a year for the tax's 4-year term (it will next need to be renewed in 2026).
This parcel tax requires a 2/3 vote of residents to pass, and ensure we don't lose our paramedic service. I will be supporting it strongly, as I've seen how our fast and professional paramedics save lives, and I hope you will join me in supporting it!